Air Conditioning for Bus Case With HBK Company


This video is from an earlier year, our air conditioning for bus partnership with HBK (Qatar). In dieser Zusammenarbeit, the number of bus air conditioners installed exceeded one hundred units. We understood the local road conditions and climate in advance and upgraded some parts and systems of the air conditioners. These optimizations make TKT bus air conditioners more efficient and durable. Endlich, Der Projektleiter von HBK lobte unseren Service und die Produktqualität.

The second half of the video shows our current bus air conditioning workshop. Experienced workers are completing the packing and shipping of a new batch of orders. The factory is clean and tidy, with a clear manufacturing process, strong productivity and very stable supply capacity. We are a trustworthy supplier of bus air conditioners.

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In order to ensure the smooth installation and performance of air conditioning for bus, we sent experienced engineers to Qatar for installation and commissioning. These experts worked closely with HBK technicians to ensure that each air conditioner can operate stably. Even in Qatar where the temperature is over 45 Grad, it can quickly cool down and provide coolness for passengers.

Who is TKT HVAC?

Etabliert in 1998 in Henan, China, TKT is a leading manufacturer and supplier in the field of EV Thermo Control System and Charging System with main product range like Battery Thermal Management Systems (BTMS), EV Bus A/C, EV-Gebühren, usw. As a reliable partner of global automotive manufacturers like BYD, Tata Motors, Marco Polo, Daewoo, Isuzu, Yutong, Mobilität wechseln, Neoplan, and CAT, usw. TKT bietet OEM-Dienstleistungen an, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, und exzellenter After-Sales-Support.


Lösungen für Dieselbus-Klimaanlagen

Für 13–14 m lange Dieselbusse】 【Für 12–13 m lange Dieselbusse】 【Für 11–12 m lange Dieselbusse】 【Für 9–10 m lange Dieselbusse】 【Für 7–8 m lange Dieselbusse】【Für 6–7 m lange Dieselbusse

Lösungen für elektrische Busklimaanlagen

Für 10–12 m lange Elektrobusse】【Für 9–10 m lange Elektrobusse】 【Für 6–7 m lange Elektrobusse

Tipp für Wohnmobil-Klimaanlagenhersteller

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