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One of the Difficulties of Choosing Coach Air Conditioning

Do you have any worries about purchasing coach air conditioners? Worried that it's really cooling well enough?

In the understanding stage, you can't feel the real effect of the air conditioner. You can get only the parameters of coach air conditioners. Based on the data on paper, you can't feel the effect of air conditioning in coach at all.

For large orders that are not in a hurry, you can test by purchasing samples. But what do you do for urgent orders or when the order quantity is not large?

Aire acondicionado para autobuses

Feel the Effect of Coach Air Conditioning

This video is the test session of each of our coach air conditioning before leaving the factory. In order to let you feel our cooling effect intuitively, I try to use a plastic bag to feel the power of the wind. The wind from the coach air conditioning can quickly fill the entire plastic bag. En segundo lugar, in the second half of the video, I deliberately kept the original sound. De este modo, you can clearly hear the sound of the wind blowing through the plastic bag. Ahora, you can think back. What is the wind speed of such a sound in life? It turned out amazing.

Modelo - 400B

This video is from our air conditioning for diesel coach, the model is 400B. This air conditioner is designed for tropical and high temperature areas, and has been fully upgraded in terms of compressor power, air volume, and wind speed. It can quickly reduce the temperature of the coach. Even for a 14m long bus, the effect is still very good.

This air conditioner has been verified by many Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and is deeply trusted by local bus companies. Some bus companies even specify to use our 400B air conditioner when purchasing new buses.

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We will continue to think about what better display effect there is. Stay tuned to our website and social media for updates.

To learn more about this coach air conditioner, Por favor haz click aquí.

You can also leave a message to write about the situation of your bus, and we will have professional sales to recommend the most suitable air conditioning solution for your bus.


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