Découvrez la série de systèmes de gestion thermique des batteries

✲ Personnalisé: Dimension/refroidissement/chauffage, etc..

✲ Sommet mondial 500 Fournisseur BYD/TATA

✲ Terminé 200,000 unités en opération dans le monde entier

✲ 10 Années d'expérience en R&D et conception

✲Attestation: OIN 9001, IATF 16949, etc..

Application: Système de gestion thermique de batterie pour bus / Camion / Matériel lourd / bateau etc..


Battery Thermal Management System Overview

The optimal operating temperature of the EV battery is 20° to 45°. Si cette température est dépassée, l'autonomie et la durée de vie de la batterie diminueront considérablement. Quoi de plus, cela peut également affecter les équipements environnants et provoquer des conséquences de combustion et d'explosion. Si la batterie est en dessous de cette température, son activité de réaction électrochimique deviendra faible et les performances de la batterie seront considérablement réduites.

Battery thermal management system is a system specially designed to cool down power batteries. It is an indispensable component of commercial electric vehicles. TKT battery cooling system adopts liquid cooling and PTC for heating, which can steadily take away a large amount of heat generated by the battery. This is the most commonly used battery cooling method for electric buses, camions électriques, équipement lourd électrique, and electric boats.

TKT battery thermal management system has a wide range of solutions. The cooling capacity is from 3-10kw and the mounting positions are top mounted and side mounted. There is also the latest BTMS integrated system for bus air conditioning, which is an integrated solution for electric buses. TKT also supports OEM customization service. We can solve 99% of different customersneeds.

Cliquez pour en savoir plus sur le principe

Système de gestion thermique de la batterie

What are the advantages of BTMS?

▲Plus de 10 années de preuve du marché, sur 200,000 unités en opération dans le monde entier, avec une qualité et des performances largement reconnues dans le monde entier.
▲ Conception brevetée pour un refroidissement/chauffage plus élevé avec moins de poids;
▲ Débit de liquide de refroidissement plus important pour maintenir la température de la batterie à la température la plus courte;
▲ Contrôle CAN pour éviter une mauvaise opération susceptible d'endommager la batterie. (Fonctionne automatiquement pour maintenir la température de la batterie stable);
▲Adopter les pièces électriques IP67, comme un compresseur électrique, pompe à eau, connecteurs ect;
▲OEM rapide/conception personnalisée (1 mois);
▲Contrôle précis de la température (0.5 Vous.C);

Système de gestion thermique de la batterie

Battery Thermal Management System OEM Case:

Dans le passé 10 années, TKT HVAC has developed rapidly and has become the top 3 battery thermal management system manufacturers in China. With rich OEM experience, we have cooperated with many world-famous vehicle manufacturers. Such as BYD, TATA motos, Changer de mobilité, Daewoo, etc.. The cooperative projects include a variety of electric bus battery thermal management system, light truck battery thermal management system, heavy truck battery thermal management system, etc..

Étude de cas sur la gestion thermique des batteries de véhicules électriques – Une histoire personnalisée pour Fortune 500Cliquez pour lire (fortement recommandé)

Test de véhicule réel, fonctionnement stable (Cliquer sur l'image pour l'élargir)

Battery Thermal Management System Specification Sheet

Contactez-nous pour des conseils de modèles professionnels. En outre, TKT provides OEM customization services, and vehicle manufacturers are welcome to consult.

Gestion thermique de la batterie Refroidisseurs de batterie
Capacité Refroidissement: 8-10KW
Chauffage: 6-10KW (Facultatif)
Refroidissement: 5-6KW
Chauffage: 3KW (Facultatif)
Application 11-12Bus électrique M BTMS
8-10Bus électrique M BTMS
10R/10CW for EBus
View Page 10R/10CW
5R/5CW for EBus
View Page 5R/5CW
Battery Chiller EV Battery Cooling
Capacité Refroidissement: 3-4KW
Chauffage: 1-2KW (Facultatif)
Refroidissement: 5-6KW
Chauffage: 3KW (Facultatif)
Application 6-7Bus électrique M BTMS
Camion électrique BTMS
3R/3CW for EBus
View Page 3R/3CW
5CW for ETruck
View Page 5CW
Cooling System for EV Battery EV Thermal Management System
Capacité Refroidissement: 3-4KW
Chauffage: 1-2KW (Facultatif)
BTMS Cooling: 8KW
Bus A/C Cooling: 143K BTU
Application BTMS pour équipements lourds électroniques
E-Bus A/C + BTMS
3R pour EHE
View Page 3R
View Page Integrated System

Vidéo du système de gestion thermique de la batterie

Système de gestion thermique de la batterie

Battery Thermal Management System Test Report:

Contactez-nous pour des images haute résolution

test btm

How to choose a battery thermal management system (BTMS) ?

1. Battery type and specifications: Different battery application scenarios have different requirements for battery thermal management system. Par exemple, if it is a power battery and applied to an electric bus, its battery voltage is usually between 280v-750v. When an electric bus is running, the battery produces a lot of heat, which requires a battery liquid cooling system.

2. EV Reserve space: When different vehicle manufacturers design new vehicles, the design space of each part is planned. Par exemple, because electric trucks have boxes, we usually recommend designing the truck battery thermal management system (BTMS) on the outside of the truck and adopting a side-mounted installation solution. The advantage of this is that it is conducive to the release of heat dissipation performance and the battery cooling efficiency is high. Bien sûr, we also have other truck battery cooling solutions that can solve 95% of truck battery cooling needs. For another example, the overall space of electric heavy machinery is small, so there are strict requirements on the size of the battery thermal management system. We have split battery cooling solutions and also provide customized services, so we can perfectly solve the needs of battery thermal management system of different sizes.

3. Quality and reliability: The battery thermal management system (BTMS) is very important for electric vehicles. It can not only ensure vehicle safety but also reduce vehicle operating costs. A high-quality cooling system can greatly improve battery life and vehicle range, thereby reducing battery replacement costs and vehicle charging costs. Therefore it is very important to choose a good battery thermal management system. TKT BTMS products have been supplied to Fortune 500 entreprises, passed their strict inspections, and have been in actual vehicle operation for more than 5 années. Only practice can tell whether a product is good or not. Five years of stable operation is the best proof. TKT has rich experience in cooperation with OEM vehicle manufacturers, tel que BYD project, TATA motors project, Switch mobility project, etc..

+ Battery Thermal Management System Structure


Serpentin de condenseur, ventilateur du condenseur, réservoir d'eau, pompe à eau, échangeur de chaleur, compresseur électrique, Panneau de contrôle, Module PEUT, Soupape de détente, etc..
The condenser system cools down the coolant and the water pump will run the coolant through the BTMS and the battery structure system to release the heat generated by the battery pack.

+ What are the different types of BTMS?

Battery thermal management system is mainly divided into battery air cooling, refroidissement liquide de la batterie, phase change material cooling, and battery immersion cooling. Different cooling methods need to be selected based on scenario judgment. For commercial electric vehicles, because the battery capacity of electric vehicles is relatively large, they are all high-voltage power batteries, so they release a lot of heat. Now the most cost-effective and stable program is battery liquid cooling.

+ What is the function of the BTMS?

The function of the battery thermal management system is to adjust the temperature of the battery in real time and maintain the battery operating within the optimal temperature range to ensure battery performance, life and safety. Mainly speaking, it is divided into the following situations.
1. Prevent overheating: When the battery temperature is too high, the battery performance will be affected and may even malfunction. The battery thermal management system can reduce the battery temperature in time through heat dissipation and other methods to prevent the battery from overheating.
2. Prevent overcooling: In low-temperature environments, battery performance will also be affected and may even fail to work properly. The battery thermal management system can promptly increase the battery temperature through heating and other methods to prevent the battery from overcooling.
3. Maintain battery temperature stability: During vehicle driving, the battery temperature will continue to change. If the temperature fluctuation is too large, it will have a negative impact on battery performance. The battery thermal management system can keep the battery temperature stable by controlling coolant flow and other methods.
4. Improve battery life: By controlling the battery temperature within the optimal range, the battery life can be extended. Reduce the number of replacements and reduce maintenance costs.

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