10-12m Electric Bus Air Conditioning


Electric Bus Air Conditioning Manufacturers - Supplier to Fortune 500 TATA / BYD

TKT Electric Bus Air Conditioning Overview

Sejak 1998, TKT Busthermo has been manufacturing electric bus air conditioners using patented technology and high quality raw materials. It is suitable for shuttle bus air conditioning, travel bus air conditioning, city bus air conditioners and bus rear air conditioners.
TKT HVAC electric bus air conditioning have successfully stood out from the crowd of competitors by virtue of their outstanding cooling effect, excellent durability and competitive ex-factory price. These advantages have earned us the trust of well-known bus air conditioner manufacturers and bus operators worldwide.
AC bus

Electric Bus Air Conditioning Projects For BYD Auto

TKT HVAC has always been committed to delivering exceptional products and services. Di dalam 2019, we successfully became the electric bus air conditioning supplier for TATA Motors, sebuah keberuntungan 500 perusahaan. Di dalam 2023, we once again made impressive progress. We succeeded in winning the trust of BYD-Olectra. We ended up becoming their supplier of air conditioning for electric buses.

This partnership strengthens our position in the field of electric bus air conditioning. We will continue our efforts to provide efficient, reliable and energy-saving bus air conditioners to our customers worldwide. As well as promote the sustainable development of electric transportation. Get the story details.

During Installation and After Completion

TKT Electric Bus Air Conditioning Highlights

High Cooling: TKT HVAC patented system design ensures that bus is cool even in tropical climates.
High Durability: Branded components and copper tube cores are used to maintain performance and stability.
Environmentally Friendly: Memanfaatkan bahan dan pendingin ramah lingkungan untuk meminimalkan dampak lingkungan.
Penghematan Energi: Adopts energy-saving components and optimised layout. Ensure cooling effect and reduce energy consumption.

diagram sistem pendingin udara bus

Electric Bus Air Conditioning Solution

How to choose the right A/C for your electric bus? The first step is to clarify the type of bus, only pure electric bus can use electric bus AC. If it is a diesel bus, kita punya diesel bus AC to recommend. The second step is to confirm the length of the bus or the number of seats, and accordingly recommend the most suitable cooling capacity. Selamat Datang di Hubungi kami.

Electric bus air conditioning
10-12m Electric Bus Air Conditioning

This electric bus air conditioning model is TKT-420E. It is suitable for 10-12m electric buses, bus sekolah, dll..

✲ Kapasitas Pendinginan: 42 KW / 143K BTU

✲ Harga Kompetitif / Pemanasan Opsional

✲ Kualitas Dipercaya oleh BYD & TATA

✲ Kualitas Lebih Tinggi: Kompresor Merek Global Terkemuka / Tabung Tembaga dan Sirip Aluminium, dll..

Electric Bus Air Conditioner
9-10m Electric Bus Air Conditioner

This electric bus air conditioner model is TKT-260E. It is suitable for 9-10m electric buses, bus sekolah, dll..

✲ Kapasitas Pendinginan: 26 KW / 88K BTU

✲ Harga Kompetitif / Pemanasan Opsional

✲ Kualitas Dipercaya oleh BYD & TATA

✲ Kualitas Lebih Tinggi: Kompresor Merek Global Terkemuka / Tabung Tembaga dan Sirip Aluminium, dll..

Electric Bus AC
6-7m Electric Bus AC

This electric bus AC model is TKT-160E. It is suitable for 6-7m electric buses, bus sekolah, dll..

✲ Kapasitas Pendinginan: 16 KW / 54K BTU

✲ Harga Kompetitif / Pemanasan Opsional

✲ Kualitas Dipercaya oleh BYD & TATA

✲ Kualitas Lebih Tinggi: Kompresor Merek Global Terkemuka / Tabung Tembaga dan Sirip Aluminium, dll..

Double Decker Electric Bus Air Conditioner
AC Belakang Bus Double Decker

Model AC bus tingkat ini adalah TKT-550ED. Sangat cocok untuk bus tingkat.

✲ Kapasitas Pendinginan: 55KW / 187K BTU

✲ Harga Kompetitif / Pemanasan Opsional

✲ Kualitas Dipercaya oleh BYD & TATA

✲ Kualitas Lebih Tinggi: Kompresor Merek Global Terkemuka / Tabung Tembaga dan Sirip Aluminium, dll..

12v air conditioner for van
12v / 24V AC untuk bus van/mini

AC 24V/12V ini untuk model van adalah TKT-50ER. Itu cocok untuk van, minibus, truk, RV, dll..

✲ Kapasitas Pendinginan: 5 KW (17050 BTU)

✲ Harga Kompetitif

✲ Kualitas Dipercaya oleh BYD & TATA

✲ Kualitas Lebih Tinggi: Kompresor Merek Global Terkemuka / Tabung Tembaga dan Sirip Aluminium, dll..

ev thermal management system
Terintegrasi: Bus listrik a/c & BCS

Teknologi Inovatif: Kami menggabungkan A/C bus listrik dan sistem pendingin baterai untuk membentuk sistem manajemen termal EV yang lebih komprehensif.

✲ Kapasitas pendinginan A/C E-bus: 42KW / 143K BTU

✲ kapasitas pendinginan BCS: 8KW (Pemanasan opsional)

✲ Aplikasi: Bus Listrik Murni

✲ Keuntungan: Meningkatkan Efisiensi, Menghemat Ruang, Perbaikan Lebih Sedikit, Menghemat Biaya

Electric Bus Air Conditioner
Explore Electric Bus Air Conditioner Solution

Produsen Terkemuka AC Bus Listrik. Solusi ini dapat diterapkan pada bus listrik murni berukuran 6-12m dan dua tingkat.

✲ Puncak Dunia 500 TATA / Pemasok BYD

✲ Berkualitas Tinggi, Harga Pabrik

✲ Penukar Panas: Tabung Tembaga dan Sirip Aluminium

✲ Sertifikasi: ISO 9001, IATF 16949, dll..

Diesel Bus HVAC Systems
Explore Diesel Bus HVAC Systems Solution

Contains a variety of Diesel Bus HVAC Systems solutions. Suitable for buses, coach, van, dll.. Top Dunia 500 TATA / Pemasok BYD.

✲ Berkualitas Tinggi, Harga Pabrik

✲ Penukar Panas: Tabung Tembaga dan Sirip Aluminium

✲ Sertifikasi: ISO 9001, IATF 16949, dll..

✲ Top Bus Air Conditioner Manufacturers

TKT Electric Bus Air Conditioning Team Strengths:

Electric Bus Air Conditioning Important Partners

Why Choose TKT Electric Bus Air Conditioning?

1. Top MaterialLong Life: copper tube core structure.
2. Core PatentPendinginan Besar: 20 akumulasi teknologi selama bertahun-tahun.
3. Precision TechnologyEfisiensi Tinggi: core gap reduced by 16%, improved performance, dll..
4. Strict InspectionHigh Quality: air tightness test, rain test, tes getaran, dll..

AC Bus Listrik

Electric Bus Air Conditioning System Related News

The story of becoming India’s G20 summit bus air-conditioning partner” – Klik untuk membaca
The story of how TKT became a supplier to BYD, sebuah keberuntungan 500 perusahaan” – Klik untuk membaca
Bus Air Conditioning Passed the Toughest Rain Test” – Klik untuk membaca

Electric bus air conditioning science knowledge

Are electric buses air conditioned? What is the airconditioner in a bus?

Ya. The air conditioner in a bus is a device used to adjust the temperature, kelembaban, air flow and cleanliness inside the bus to provide passengers with a comfortable riding environment. It is usually mainly divided into electric bus air conditioners, traditional diesel bus air conditioners, and independent diesel bus air conditioners. The vehicle conditions they correspond to are electric buses, traditional diesel buses, and diesel buses that still need to run air conditioning when parking.

How does an AC bus work?

The principle of air conditioners in a bus is similar to that of household air conditioners. They use compressors, condensers, evaporators and other components to use the phase change principle of refrigerant to absorb and release heat to transfer the heat in the car to the outside of the car, reducing the temperature inside the car. temperature.
1. Starting the bus: Start the bus first to provide electrical support for the air conditioning system.
2. Select the operation mode: Select the operation mode such as cooling or heating as needed.
3. Adjust the temperature: control the temperature inside the vehicle by adjusting the temperature setting value.
4. Air speed control: Control the air flow speed inside the car by adjusting the evaporator fan air speed.
5. Refrigerant cycle: When the cooling mode is selected, the air conditioning system will compress and cool the refrigerant through the compressor, then send it to the evaporator to absorb the heat inside the car, and then return to the compressor for the next cycle.
6. heating cycle: when selecting the heating mode, the air conditioning system will heat up the air through the heater and then send it to the car to realize the heating effect.
7. Control system: The control system in the air-conditioning system can automatically adjust the operating status of the compressor, fan and other components according to the temperature setting value and the temperature inside the car and other parameters to ensure that the temperature and air quality inside the car are within the appropriate range.

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