This Level 3 EV charger can charge up to 3 vehicles simultaneously and intelligently distributes power.
✲ Connector Outlet: DC Charging Plug *3
✲ Protokol komunikasi: OCPP1.6J
✲ Sertifikasi kualitas: ISO9001, CE, dll.
✲ Aplikasi: Highways, Urban Centers, Armada komersial, Transportasi Umum, Stasiun pengisian daya, dll..
The most important feature of this level 3 EV charger is that it has 3 charging plug / outlets. This design can improve the utilization rate of the EV charging pile, which can realize charging 3 vehicle at the same time. It has 3 DC plug, and the charging power is reasonably distributed through the penyeimbangan beban dinamis function.
Connector standard support options. CCS / CHAdeMO / GBT.
TKT EV charging stations have a wide range of charging solutions. The products have been exported to more than 40 Negara -negara di seluruh dunia. Secara khusus, it has formed long-term and stable cooperative relationships with well-known companies such as BYD and Tata Motors.
1. Unique charging display and friendly human-machine interface, easy to operate.
2. Dukungan kabel / LAN Jaringan Nirkabel, 4G.
3. Support online payment, smart monitoring, App charging and POS system.
4. Complete OCPP 1.6.
Tingkat 3 EV Charger Manufacturers
1. Perlindungan berganda: Perlindungan Komprehensif untuk Kendaraan, orang dan peralatan.
2. Desain Modular: Peningkatan dan pemeliharaan fleksibel dan sederhana.
3. Pengisian Cepat: Untuk kendaraan listrik biasa, waktu pengisian hanya membutuhkan waktu 30 ke 60 menit.
4. Penyeimbangan Beban Dinamis: Tingkatkan efisiensi pengisian dan pemanfaatan tiang pengisian daya.
5. Sistem Manajemen Lanjutan: mudah bagi pelanggan untuk beroperasi. Data manajer jelas.
6. Ratusan Paten: kualitas yang sangat baik, Harga terjangkau.
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang 6 keuntungan
Kekuatan | 90kW Pengisi Daya Cepat DC |
180kW Pengisi Daya Cepat DC |
240kW Pengisi Daya Cepat DC |
Max Power of DC 1 | 30kW | 60kW | 80kW |
Max Power of DC 2 | 30kW | 60kW | 80kW |
Max Power of DC | 30kW | 60kW | 80kW |
Tegangan Masukan | 3-phase 400V/440V/480V+15% AC | ||
Frekuensi Kerja | 45-65Hz | ||
Efisiensi | ≥94% | ||
Faktor kekuatan | ≥0,99 | ||
Screen Size | 8” Layar Sentuh LCD (Maximum brightness above 800nit) | ||
Koneksi jaringan | 4G, Ethernet | ||
Communication Protocols |
OCPP1.6J | ||
Operating Suhu |
-30°C – +55°C | ||
Charging Cable Length |
5m/7m | ||
IP Class | IP54 | ||
Support Language | Cina, Bahasa inggris, Rusia, Bahasa lain mendukung penyesuaian | ||
Sertifikat | ISO9001, CE, IEC61851-1,IEC 62196-2, dll.. | ||
Jika Anda membutuhkan parameter teknis produk lainnya yang lebih rinci, please contact us. Leave a message |
1. Pengisian Solusi untuk Armada Besar
Jenis umum termasuk transportasi umum, Industri transportasi dan logistik. Kami telah melakukan stasiun pengisian bus listrik di AS, Stasiun Pengisian Bus di Kanada, Stasiun pengisian mobil taksi di Australia, Stasiun Pengisian Truk Listrik di Inggris, dll.. Our Level 3 EV Charger has increased the frequency of vehicle trips by more than 20%.
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2. Solusi pengisian daya untuk semua lokasi komersial
Dengan popularitas kendaraan listrik, more and more business premises are in need of Level 3 Pengisi Daya EV. Misalnya, Stasiun Pengisian Bangunan Kantor, stasiun pengisian daya parkir EV, Stasiun pengisian daya EV untuk hotel, Stasiun Pengisian Belanja Mal, Pengisi daya pompa bensin, dll.. Kami telah mengekspor ke lebih dari 40 negara dan daerah termasuk Thailand, India, Malaysia, Meksiko, Jerman, dan Prancis.
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Tingkat 3 EV charging stations, also known as DC fast chargers. It is a charging facility that uses DC fast charging technology. It usually uses a 480-volt DC power supply with a current of 100A or more and can fully charge an electric vehicle in less than 30 menit.
Compared with Level 1 and Level 2 EV charging stations, Tingkat 3 EV charger have higher charging power and faster charging speeds, and therefore require higher investment costs. The reason for the fast charging speed of Level 3 EV charging stations is that they use DC power, so they do not need to convert between AC and DC power, which reduces energy loss and charging time.
Tingkat 3 EV charger is typically more expensive than Level 1 Dan 2 chargers for several reasons:
1. Higher technical complexity: Tingkat 3 chargers use DC fast charging technology, which is more complex than the AC charging technology used in Level 1 Dan 2 chargers. It requires higher technical requirements to achieve fast charging.
2. Higher material costs: Tingkat 3 ev charging stations have higher voltages and currents and therefore require the use of higher quality materials to ensure performance and safety. These high quality materials increase the cost of the product, which leads to a higher price.
3. Market Demand and Positioning: Tingkat 3 DC fast chargers are usually positioned as professional products, targeting a group of users who have higher requirements for charging speed and efficiency. Due to its fast and convenient charging service, it can save a lot of time for EV users and improve the utilization and efficiency of charging facilities. These users are usually willing to pay a higher price for better experience and service.
Karena itu, the investment in Level 3 EV charger has great value in the long run.
All electric vehicles can use Level 3 stasiun pengisian daya, but they may not all be able to reach the maximum charging power. This depends on the customer’s specific vehicle model and the design of the battery system. In order to achieve the highest utilization of charging power at the level 3 pengisi daya EV. We incorporate dynamic load balancing technology. This allows the charging pile to intelligently allocate the charging speed of each vehicle to achieve the overall maximum charging speed.
Kami sangat mementingkan kualitas produk, dan kami akan melakukan 16 Inspeksi lagi sebelum setiap pengiriman. Ini termasuk kabel dan perutean, pemeriksaan resistensi isolasi, Pemutus Sirkuit dan Pemeriksaan Fungsi Stop Darurat, cek dc catu daya internal cek, pemeriksaan layar sentuh, Pemeriksaan Termistor, Pemeriksaan Fungsi Kipas, Pengisian Sejarah Pemeriksaan, pemeriksaan fungsi komunikasi jarak jauh, dan lebih banyak lagi.
A: Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang hal ini karena produsen mobil listrik memiliki sistem keselamatan bawaan untuk mencegah kerusakan akibat sering menggunakan pengisian cepat atau cepat. Misalnya, Tingkat pengisian daya dapat diturunkan secara otomatis jika mobil terlalu sering dipasok ke baterai terlalu sering.
TKT memiliki banyak teknologi inti yang menjadikan pengisi daya kami mengisi daya lebih cepat dan sistem lebih sederhana. Produsen pengisi daya DC EV teratas.
Teknologi pengisi daya EV berkembang pesat. Artikel ini menjelaskan cara kerja sirkuit dan komunikasi infrastruktur pengisi daya.
Didirikan pada 1998, TKT telah berakhir 20 pengalaman manufaktur dan pengembangan selama bertahun-tahun dan merupakan pemasok yang ditunjuk untuk Fortune 500 perusahaan.