Bus Air Conditioner Case and Customer Presentation


TKT HVAC는 20 years and has been focusing on the field of bus air conditioner. Whether it is 전기 버스 에어컨 또는 디젤 버스 에어컨, we have very rich design and manufacturing experience. We are the top 3 bus air conditioner manufacturers in China and also a famous bus air conditioner manufacturers in India.
The first half of the video shows the bus air conditioner case provided for Olectra. These buses are the new models of Indian Olectra this year. Over more than 20 연령, TKT has accumulated a lot of bus air conditioner case and customers. The second half mainly shows part of it.
If you have any needs for 버스 에어컨, 제발 문의하기.

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우리로부터 서비스를 받으려면 우리와 상담하기 위해 모든 정보 세부 사항을 입력하십시오..